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All and sundry these days are talking about how to eat and drink hale and hearty that it is hard to keep up with the tempo of products that are out there waiting to be consumed. From all kinds of exotic berries to green tea and even coffee, it appears that practically every kind of drink and fruit has some good quality medicine to offer to mankind.

There is one fruit though that has been used since the beginning of man in the Eastern world for its manifold beneficial anti-inflammatory health proprieties which only in recent times have been discovered in the Western hemisphere and has been object of deep scrutiny by the many health care professionals to confirm the genuineness of such properties. It is called the wonder fruit by many or mangosteen.

This wonder fruit originated in Southern Asia, is also known under the name of Xango the location where the mangosteen is usually grown. Innumerable folks deem that this fruit comes from the mango class but connoisseurs have revealed that it mostly belongs to an Asian tropical evergreen tree.

This edible fruit is about the dimension of a tiny orange, has a hard purplish red colored outer shell and a white pulp in the center of the fruit itself. The tree is slow growing and as it happens the fruit takes in the neighborhood of seven to ten years to grow getting to a height of something like seventy feet.

It has just of late been discovered in North America while it has been cultivated for quite some time in Hawaii. The United States are holding off the cultivation and sale of the fruit owing to worries of the fruit fly epidemic. As of today, the mangosteen is only available in frozen or in can form and not as fresh fruit.

The fruit can be eaten as is, as a juice or may be obtained in the form of supplements. Thanks to its healing properties it can help in battling a succession of diseases such as: numerous skin conditions, some forms of dysentery, dehydration, many infected wounds, malaria, tuberculosis and can even be employed as a tonic for fatigue and low energy levels. All things considered, the best way to consume mangosteen is in its extract form. Standard use could improve circulation, arthritis and even cases of acne.

Whatever form you decide to consume this wonder fruit, consulting an expert would be a good norm so as to fully understand the countless potential of the health benefits of mangosteen.