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Panic attacks are a form of anxiety, and can be a challenging condition for many people to cope with. Symptoms of a panic attack may include shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, chest pains or pressure, rapid heartbeat and lightheadedness. These symptoms can come on quite suddenly, and may occur any time of the day or night. For some, panic attacks can get in the way of sleep or enjoyment of everyday activities. If you are one of the many people who suffer from frequent panic attacks, you may want to know what the best panic attack medicine is that will keep your symptoms under control and help you to enjoy a higher quality of life. There are a number of medications that are prescribed for panic attacks, and many are very effective at reducing the frequency of symptoms.

Medications that fall under this category include familiar names like Valium and Xanax, as well as Ativan and Klonopin. These medications are usually used in the short term as the best panic attack medicine to get the symptoms under control quickly and effectively. They are often prescribed in tandem with long term medications like antidepressants, and are usually used as a complement to professional counseling sessions. However, in some cases, these medications can and will be used over a longer period of time to keep symptoms in check.

Antidepressants are used by many doctors as the best panic attack medicine, because they are designed to be used safely over the long term to keep symptoms under control for as long as necessary. The other advantage to this medication is that there are many different kinds of antidepressants available. This means that if one is not working as well for you, your doctor can try other brands and types until he finds the best panic attack medicine for you. Many doctors will begin with an SSRI, which would include Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft. If these medications do not work well, he can then switch to another type of antidepressant like Tofranil or Nardil until he finds the best panic attack medicine to address your specific needs.

If you are suffering from frequent panic attacks, there is no reason to live with this condition any longer. Talk to your doctor about your choices in counseling and the best panic attack medicine for you to keep symptoms at bay and your condition under control. There are plenty of choices in anxiety attack treatment plans today so you don't have to continue to live with the effects of these embarrassing and debilitating attacks. Treatment is available and your doctor can help you find the best panic attack medicine so that you can enjoy more symptom-free days and a higher quality of life.